A change of scenery, a time to tackle the next challenge

Joeri Poesen //

As some of you already know, my role in the Drupal company I founded with Roel and Jo has now officially ended.

The idea of setting up the first dedicated Drupal agency has grown from a vague idea in 2006 to a sweet reality in 2008. Being a co-founder, guiding its community involvement, defining market strategy and building the image has been an amazing experience and if it taught me anything, It’s this: working with – and for – the Drupal community is a privilege.

We’ve built up a pretty sweet customer portfolio the last few months, and now that we’ve reached the milestone of hiring our first employees, it’s time for me to move on.

As for me, I like to teach, I love organizing and getting things off the ground. Moving around in strange new cultures makes me feel at home. Let’s see where my passions take me next.

But first: catch up on some sleep, spend a ridiculous amount of time with family and friends and give the D7 issue queue some overdue patch review love.