Dries, Drupal, Acquia and Mollom featured in Belgian career magazine Jobat

Joeri Poesen //

This weekend’s edition of career magazine Jobat has a Dutch two page article featuring Dries, Drupal, Acquia and Mollom.

I’m particularly impressed with the clear and easy language used to describe what Drupal is, what Acquia will be doing and what Mollom has to do with anything. These are not easy subjects to bring to a lay audience – often this type of article is too technical, too dumbed down or too advertainmenty. In this case however, refreshingly not so.

The article also (briefly) mentions some high profile sites such as our prime minister ‘s rather well executed Drupal projects yvesleterme.be and premier.be.

All in all a good and easy introduction to show to your family and friends when they ask you what it is you do again, that web thing with the sites and the blue alien.