T-DOSE 2008 Drupal Track: Call for Papers

Joeri Poesen //

T-DOSE, Technical Dutch Open Source Event, is a free, yearly event dedicated to promoting the use and development of Open Source Software. It’ll be held in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) on 25 and 26 October 2008.

This year, T-DOSE is generously offering room for a dedicated Drupal track. Thanks, T-dosians!

So, we have a conference, we have a venue, we have room for a track and we’ll have an audience. Now all we need is interesting Drupal talks. Shouldn’t be a problem – I seem to remember a huge pile of submissions we had for the Drupal Devroom at Fosdem this year…

Ideally I’d like to see a cross section of the Drupal universe: development, theming, getting started, advanced monkey-wrenching, advocacy, community involvement, lessons learned and battle plans for the future.

Some specifics:

  • time slots of 1hr

  • presentation language: English

  • submission deadline: July 20th

  • submission must contain: title, abstract, intended audience, short bio, more detailed bio, mugshot

I’ll be expecting your proposals in may mailbox before July 20th. Ping me if I didn’t reply after a week or so.

Mailto: joeri [at] symbiotix [dot] net
Subject: [T-DOSE proposal] title-goes-here